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Skating Etiquette

Treat the employees and visitors of The Callingwood Twin Arenas, Crestwood Arena and Confederation Arena with respect.

Be courteous to other skaters, coaches, judges, board members, parents, rink employees and visitors at all times.

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Show consideration for coaches and other skaters involved in lessons during a session. A private lesson should not be interrupted by another skater or any other person unless there is an emergency. Please respect the coach and skaters’ time. Please contact your coach with any questions or concerns or to arrange a meeting to discuss skating development.

Promote the well being of fellow skaters by positive encouragement or by reporting any unhealthy or dangerous conduct to coaches, board members or parents.

No food or gum should be taken on the ice. Plastic or aluminum water bottles are acceptable but must be left at the boards. Glass bottles are not permitted.

Please review Skate Canada’s Position Statement on Bullying on the Skate Canada website.

Ice Etiquette

The following right-of-way order is to ensure the safety of all skaters and coaches on the ice and is in effect during all club sessions:

  • 1st Priority: Skater skating his or her program with music.
  • 2nd Priority: Skater in a coached lesson.
  • 3rd Priority: Skater in a spin or jump entrance.

Music Priority

  1. 1st Priority: Assessments
  2. 2nd Priority: Lessons
  3. 3rd Priority: First come, first served

It is important to be aware and cautious, and considerate of other skaters. Be especially aware that there may be different levels of skaters sharing the ice at the same time and that neither is more important than the other.

Profane, abusive, disruptive, inappropriate or disrespectful language, gestures or actions during on ice or off ice sessions will not be tolerated. Disrespect of fellow skaters, coaches, administrators, board members or arena staff will not be tolerated.

General guidelines for safe skating sessions

Keep moving! Look both ways when leaving the boards. Do not linger in the jumping lanes. Socializing with fellow skaters is best done off the ice before or after sessions and not on the ice. Arrive on time for your sessions allowing time to warm up and stretch prior to stepping on the ice to prevent injuries.

“If you don’t have fun, it’s hard to do your best.”

Kimmie Meissner


PO Box 78038 Callingwood RPO
Edmonton, AB T5T 6A1

Phone: 780-905-7775




“Skating was the vessel into which I could pour my heart and soul.”

Peggy Fleming



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